Ask Father Mateo

Msg Base:  AREA 3  - ASK FATHER (AMDG)
  Msg No: 82.  Tue  9-22-92 13:15  (NO KILL)
    From: Father Mateo
      To: Mike Fudge
 Subject: Becoming A Jesuit

MF|Dear Father Mateo,
  |I wrote to you about one year ago about becoming a Jesuit priest.
  |Since that time I have been slowly finding the way. Now I have been
  |assigned a Jesuit adviser and will be meeting with him soon.  I just want
  |to say thank you for your prayers and advice.
MF|Michael P. Fudge
Dear Mike,
Thanks for letting me know of your progress in the Lord.  Your name
is in my prayer book.  I pray for you every day.
Please rely on Jesus Christ, whose priesthood you hope to share.
Make a special friend of Our Lady, Mother of our High Priest and all
priests.  Say your rosary every day, at least five decades.  Pray to
your patron, the Archangel Michael to obtain courage, perseverance
and strength for you.
                                        Sincerely in Jesus Christ,
                                                Father Mateo