Msg Base: AREA 3 - ASK FATHER (AMDG) Msg No: 78. Tue 9-22-92 13:07 (NO KILL) From: Father Mateo To: Scott Windsor Subject: Alter Girls SW| -=> Quoting Father Mateo to Joanne Fields <=- SW| FM> According to my latest inquiry, the status of altar girls is | FM> uncertain. My two informants seem divided: one says that Rome will | FM> probably approve of them; the other says that Rome will forbid the | FM> practice. SW|I am interested in this issue also. So, what is the stand of Rome |right now? It is my understanding that the Pope has forbidden alter |girls yet we see this often in the United States. SW|Scott Dear Scott, At present I cannot add anything to my message to Joanne Fields. Severe critics of the practice refer to documents from Rome forbidding it. I should be grateful if any priest reader on this net could supply me with the names and dates of these documents. The adviser I trust most is pragmatic. He suggests that at present the practice may be continued where it is in force, but should not be introduced anywhere else. Meanwhile we will wait for a clear answer from Rome. Sincerely in Christ, Father Mateo