Ask Father Mateo

Msg Base:  AREA 5  - ASK FATHER            CIN ECHO   AMDG
  Msg No: 257.  Mon  3-09-92 22:29  (NO KILL)  (MAILED)
    From: Father Mateo
      To: Lewis Bernhardt
 Subject: Quitting Smoking

| Father Mateo,
| Thanks for the information. I have done several of the things you have
| mentioned. I enjoy EWTV, and have learned to pray the Rosary, I bought my
| self a Rosary at the Catholic Bookstore in Houston. I will get in touch
| with the Priest at my local church in the near future regardings the RICA
| and enrolling. I have been praying on a daily basis. Though my biggest
| failures  come with cigerettes. I so bad want to  quit for reasons of my
| health. But I have tried repeatedly to no avail. I am going on 44 years of
| age and would love to live 44 more after that.  Do you have any
| suggestions that might help me in this problem?  Also I have studied ACTS
| from time to time but have been neglect in Bible reading ffor some time.
| I shall again read it starting today. I will go to Mass within the next
| week, and start going on a regular basis. I thank you for your time and
| answers.
| Best regards,
| Lewis Bernhardt
Dear Lewis,
There are programs which help people quit smoking, e.g., Smokenders.
Your physician can perhaps recommend other means, e.g., nicotine
chewing gum (a prescription product).
Others on this board who have managed to quit might advise you if you
I'll pray for you - but as a good Catholic you know "Faith without
works is dead."  You have to work at kicking the habit.
                                Sincerely in Christ,
                                Father Mateo