Msg Base: AREA 5 - ASK FATHER CIN ECHO AMDG Msg No: 217. Fri 12-20-91 17:43 (NO KILL) (MAILED) From: Father Mateo To: John Fisken Subject: Contraception; sin +- | Father- I am not a Catholic, but have many friends who are. The question | is this. If you can answer shortly, why does the Church hold the position | that contraception is wrong? Also, is there a difference between a sin | and a mortal sin. Thanks, Just Curious. Dear John, You have asked me for a short answer to the question: why is contraception wrong. I will try to give you such a short answer; then I will give you some suggestions for further reading. God has fashioned marriage as a sacred covenant between wife and husband to form a union so close as to make them one person. "Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). This is the first and oldest of God's covenants with human beings, immensely older than His covenant with Israel and His covenant through Jesus Christ with His Catholic Church. Therefore, it involves all human beings, not just Jews and Catholics. God's purpose in this marriage covenant is twofold: mutual love and the transmission of human life. This twofold purpose involves the whole being of husband and wife, spiritual and psychic as well as physical. Physically and spiritually, the two partners achieve both mutual love and the new life of their children through the spiritual/physical marriage act. Deliberately to frustrate God's purpose in the marriage act through artificial interference with its lifegiving nature is seriously sinful and contrary to the will of God. Further reading on this subject: 1) John F. Kippley. Sex and the Marriage Covenant. (Obtainable from St. Joseph Communications, Inc., P.O. Box 720, West Covina, CA 91793; $14.95 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.) 2) Charles D. Provan. The Bible and Birth Control. (Obtainable from Zimmer Printing, 410 West Main Street, Monogahela, Pennsylvania 15063. Write for ordering information.) This book is useful, but shows considerable anti-Catholic bigotry. 3) Pope Paul VI. Encyclical on Human Life (Humanae Vitae). (Obtainable at any Catholic bookstore) A sin is any action or omission hurtful to oneself or other people and contrary to the will and law of God. For a sin to be mortal, there are three elements which must be present: 1) the matter must be SERIOUS; 2) there must be sufficient REFLECTION (one must fully realize that it is serious); 3) there must be FULL CONSENT of the fully free will. If any of these three is diminished or lacking, the sin is not mortal, but venial. Sincerely in Christ, Maryanne Lawless