Clustering using Galform in the ghsmc_800 simulation

I've populated the ghsmc_800 simulation (8003 particles, 480Mpc/h, σ8=0.74, Ωm=0.236, ΩΛ=0.764, n=0.95) with output from the new version of Galform, using the models of Cole et al. (2000), Baugh et al. (2005) and Bower et al. (2006), and with output from the old version of Galform, using the models of Cole et al. (2000), Cole et al. (2000) with a higher baryon fraction, and 'Model M'. The plots below compare the clustering in these models and the clustering of the dark matter to clustering from the SDSS and 2dFGRS.


The projected correlation function (actually rpwp(rp)) for samples with a space density ng/(h3 Mpc-3) of 0.00117, 0.00308 (the fiducial space density from Harker, Cole & Jenkins 2007) and 0.01015:

Old Galform New Galform
0.00117 0.00117
0.00308 0.00308
0.01015 0.01015


rξ(r) for samples with the following space density:

Old Galform New Galform
0.00117 0.00117
0.00249 0.00249